The St. James Cathedral and Crematoriam sits on the property adjascent to the St. James Cemetary. Smack in the heart of the city, it is a lovely and peaceful destination for an early fall walk. Especially when the weather is so cooperative. I have no loved ones burried here. I hope to soon post a photo of the Pardes Shalom Cemetary where my dear sister Cathy is burried. It's a bit of a hike, well outside the city, but a very special place to me for remembering.
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Cemeteries are great places to walk, visit, for quiet contemplation. This looks like one of those.
Your photo is very nice...and your commentary is a good reminder to take a walk.
Lovely photo - like the perspective. I love to walk in cemeteries and read the tales of those who are buried there.
belle perspective pour ta photo. j'aime beaucoup
beautiful prospect for your photograph. I like much
A beautiful photo for our theme day! As Olivier has said, une belle perspective indeed,
Seattle Daily Photo
Interesting angle for this picture, and a nice blue sky. Toronto is a great city isn't it?
Nice perspective, looking up at the tower, and such a bold sky!
I am glad you posted a photo of a crematorium. This is such a wise choice ... I look forward to your photo of Pardes Shalom Cemetery. Maybe you can share some photos from the walk.
Very good angle for your picture. This white under roof is very nice with the blue color of the sky.
Well done
nice shot.
I would not be very excited to shingle that roof pitch. Great capture.
Beautiful phot. I should look forward to seeing the photo from your sisters resting place.
Your perspective makes us look towards the heavens--thank you!
Nice place, nice photo
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